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- 0 print"[147]";:poke53280,.:poke53281,.:poke646,13:goto100
- 1 data " 1. [212]his letter buzzes",b
- 2 data " 2. [217]ou can sail on what letter.",c
- 3 data " 3. [217]ou can drink what letter.",t
- 4 data " 4. [212][214] performers use what cards.",q
- 5 data " 5. [201]f you borrow, you will",o
- 6 data " 6. [217]ou see with what letter.",i
- 7 data " 7. [217]ou can eat what letter (vegetable),",p
- 8 data " 8. [215]hat letter is a tree",u
- 9 data " 9. [215]hat letter has cloned you",w
- 10 data " 10. [215]hat two letters describe a vacant house",mt
- 11 data " 11. [215]hat two letters are the antonym of difficult",ez
- 12 data " 12. [215]hat two letters crawl up the walls",iv
- 13 data " 13. [215]hat two letters tell where some [160]indians live",tp
- 14 data " 14. [215]hat two letters are a synonym for jealousy",nv
- 15 data " 15. [215]hat three letters mean ''you are seen by me''",icu
- 16 data " 16. [215]hat letter is a blue bird",j
- 20 for x=1to16:read q$(x),a$(x):printq$(x)chr$(63):next
- 99 save"@0:alphabet puns",8:end
- 100 t=16:dimq$(t),a$(t):printchr$(14)
- 110 dimz(16):forx=1to16:readq$(x),a$(x):z(x)=x:next
- 120 forx=1to16:z=int(rnd(1)*16+1):t=z(x):z(x)=z(z):z(z)=t:next:t=16
- 199 if t=0 then print"[147][217]ou got them all!":gosub500:goto610
- 200 z1=z1+1:ifz1=17thenz1=1
- 201 z=z(z1):ifq$(z)=""then200
- 202 gosub20000:print" [193][204][208][200][193][194][197][212][160][208][213][206][211][160][160][160][160][160][160][160][160][160][160][160][160][160]"
- 203 print"[154][215]orld [194]ook [195]omplete - [215][207][210][196] [208][207][215][197][210], pg.119"
- 204 print"[198]ind the alphabet letter that each"
- 205 print"sentence suggests. "
- 206 forl=1to40:print"[164]";:next:print"[153]"
- 207 printtab(40)q$(z)chr$(63):print:inputg$:ifg$="quit"then600
- 208 if g$=a$(z)thengosub400:goto 210
- 209 print"[158][206][207]! [212]hats wrong!":gosub300:print"[212]he answer is "a$(z)
- 210 print"[208]ress any key for next word.[153]"
- 211 get any$:ifany$=""then 211
- 212 goto199
- 300 forx=54272to54295:pokex,0:next:poke54296,15
- 305 poke54277,45:poke54272,20:poke54273,5:poke54276,33
- 310 ford=1to150:next:poke54276,32:ford=1to30:next
- 315 forx=54272to54295:pokex,0:next:return
- 400 print"[155][217][197][211]! [212]hats right!!!":q$(z)="":a$(z)="":t=t-1
- 402 s=54272:for l=s to s+24:pokel,0:next:pokes+24,15:rem ding
- 405 s=54272:pokes+1,50:pokes+5,9:pokes+15,30:pokes+4,17:forss=1to1200
- 410 next:pokes+4,16
- 415 s=54272:for l=s to s+24:pokel,0:return
- 500 s=54272:for l=s to s+24:pokel,0:next:pokes+24,15:rem ding
- 505 t=87:n$="251331421502421502"
- 510 pokes+6,96:pokes+24,15
- 515 fori=1to18step3
- 520 pokes+1,val(mid$(n$,i,2)):pokes+4,33
- 525 forj=1tot*val(mid$(n$,i+2,1)):next
- 530 pokes+4,0:next
- 535 s=54272:for l=s to s+24:pokel,0:return
- 600 print"[147][196]o you want to quit? ([217]/[206])
- 602 [151]198,0:[146]198,1:[161]any$:[139]any$[178]"n"[167]199
- 610 [137]40000
- 10000 d[178][194](186):n$[178]"alphabet puns":[159]15,d,15,"s0:"[170]n$:[160]15:[148]n$,d:[128]
- 20000 [153]"load":[151]214,23:[153]:[153][163]10)"def'quit' to valxit";:[142]
- 40000 [129]i[178]0[164]21:[151]828[170]i,8[170]i:[130]
- 40010 [139]dv[179]8[176]dv[177]29[176]dv[178]8[167]40030
- 40020 a[178][194](828):b[178][194](828[170]dv[171]8):[151]828,b:[151]828[170]dv[171]8,a
- 40030 a$[178]"hello connect":[129]j[178]8[164]29:i[178][194](828[170]j[171]8):[139]i[178]14[167][130]
- 40040 [160]2:[159]2,i,2:[160]2:[139]st[167]40060
- 40050 [160]15:[159]15,i,15,"r0:"[170]a$[170]"="[170]a$:[132]15,er:[160]15:[139]er[178]63[167]40070
- 40060 [130]:[153]"load":[151]53272,23:[151]186,8:[128]
- 40070 q$[178][199](34):[151]646,[194](53281):[153]"load":[151]53272,23
- 40080 [153]"loadp(NULL)2048,0:p(NULL)44,8:p(NULL)43,1:p(NULL)56,160:p(NULL)55,0:clr:l(NULL)"q$a$q$","i
- 40090 [153]"run:":[151]631,13:[151]632,13:[151]198,2:[128]